A Modicum Of Hate
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Westboro Baptist Church

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Westboro Baptist Church Empty Westboro Baptist Church

Post  Paulio Mon Jan 28, 2008 10:25 am

Westboro Baptist Church 1005amish_westboro4_narrowweb__300x365,0
Westboro Baptist Church 9982556
Westboro Baptist Church Phelps
Westboro Baptist Church Phelps
Westboro Baptist Church 300h
Westboro Baptist Church Westboro
Westboro Baptist Church Picture%2017-10

We're amateurs at hating compared to these people. But am I any better than them for hating them? Also who let these morons near children and what the fuck is a fag enabler?

If you don't know who these people are they think basically god hates everyone but them but especially....... well you can guess especially which demographic they particularly hate. Then when anyone dies they come picket your funeral with above signs. If they ever find this post our funerals shall also suffer this fate. Yay!


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Westboro Baptist Church Empty They're more hateful.....

Post  Grainy Tue Jan 29, 2008 11:54 am

.....but we hate more things, and I also hate these people, they make me sick.

I was watching Jerry Springer last night and this guy admitted to his mum that he was gay, and she kept refusing that he was, and that she'd turn him straight......even if he moved out she'd be following him turning him straight, was quite funny to watch, but I still can't believe there's narrow-minded shitheads still around here.

And if "God hates America", doesn't he hate the people protesting? That must feel pretty shit being hated the guy who you life your life for........it's like if Chuck Norris hated me, it would destroy me.

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Westboro Baptist Church Empty The westboro baptist church

Post  Tom Tue Jan 29, 2008 3:23 pm

are quickly becoming a parody of themselves.

They claim to hate America. Yet they whore themselves to the america media and to many of the spectrums created by Americans and are thus created by fags.

They planned\are planning to picket the funeral of one Heath Ledger who apparantly starred in the spectacularly successful adaptation of Brokeback Mountain. it strikes me that if they were truly in this to stage a protest in the name of god then all this self publicity to events that will obviously inspire outrage amongst most people with a developed brain are just irrelevent. If they wanted to do to just do it without making sure that it turns into a media spectacle as if they did do it they would get the media spectacle without making any effort.
As this is an event that the media will unfortunately keep us all posted on.

And we aren't more hateful or hypocrites. WE hate minor annoyances whilst THEY have misinterpreted the bible and made possibly the most hateful yet impotent branch of any religion i have ever seen, which as you can imagine is against some pretty stiff competition. They are completely irrelevent especially considering the entire religion consists of one family and frankly with these last daughters who haven't left the church (some of their children have and are probably nice people which naturally means that the church has completely disowned them) we should see the end of this church because i doubt even the worst of human beings wouldn't lower themselves to impregnating people who endeavor in the disgusting practise of picketing the funerals of dead soldiers\teenagers\somebodys son or daughter.

The truly sad thing is that the only reason people have heard of them is because the media wont let them go. Refuse their coverage and noone need be bothered by them again.
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Westboro Baptist Church Empty Re: Westboro Baptist Church

Post  Paulio Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:19 am

You're right Tom. I suppose its the rest of the Church as well as them though? Or I'd have thought it would be a pretty pointless Church. But there's a lot of people who agree with them I'd say who don't necessarily get involved with that Church or the creepy funeral picketing which isn't that less disturbing in this day and age. Actually if you think about it we're probably just lucky, most of the world hasn't caught up to our day and age yet though you'd expect more from a supposedly civilised country.

The glasses man's fashion sense amuses me however..........

I just had a look on their website as per the t-shirts and they also own the following domains:

God Hates America
America Is Doomed
Priests Rape Boys
The Signs of the Times
God Hates Sweden
God Hates Canada
God Hates Ireland
God Hates Mexico

How can you hate Sweden or Canada? When have Sweden or Canada ever done anything?

And they put this letter out to that-actor-who-I'd-never-heard-about-but-everyone-made-a-big-fuss-over's family.

Westboro Baptist Church Westboro584

I guess they assume everyone is as stupid as them.

I'm surprised you've never started a Chuck Norris thread Steve.

This one tickles me for no particular reason I can understand:

"Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door."

Though I find this video of him creepy not to mention the moral implications of what he's saying. Does Chuck Norris hate you if you don't believe in god?

I feel sorry for mothers though who don't understand when they have gay children.


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Westboro Baptist Church Empty Re: Westboro Baptist Church

Post  Grainy Wed Jan 30, 2008 9:16 am

Hahaha I haven't heard that Chuck joke before but it's hilarious, in the video don't you think he looks a bit like a burns victim? Why did he have to find god...WHY?

Anyway back onto the main topic, is there a church like this in England or anywhere else for that matter? Because like usual it seems to be US citizens with these extremist ideas.....(and they have a go at Muslims)? And why aren't the government cracking down on these extremists like they are with their Muslim counterparts, it's basically the same thing it's just happening at their front doors, OK they haven't flown a plane into a major building...yet, but give them time.

Oh when will people learn there is no God?

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Westboro Baptist Church Empty nope

Post  Tom Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:25 am

as stated in my brilliantly longwinded post they are just one albeit extended crazy family.

To be fair even if ledger was is in hell i am still sure he wont his funeral ie the thing that shows that people care, ruined by his spectre yellling listen to phelps...
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Westboro Baptist Church Empty Re: Westboro Baptist Church

Post  Christophe Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:42 am

They're picketing Heath Ledger's funeral? So not content with preaching the hatred of gay people and anyone and everyone who doesn't join them in actively hating gay people, they're now protesting against the portrayal of fictional characters in works of - note the word - FICTION. It seems they're mindnumbingly stupid as they are ignorant and intolerant.

I think its possible that I've never felt such hatred for people I know so little about.

Sadly I think Tom's right - as much as I enjoyed Louis Theroux's documentary (and Keith Allen's for that matter) on these people, if the media stopped paying attention to them they would go away. I'm all for free speech, and I think those students who protested when the BNP leader attented a conference on it last month were pretty riduculous, but there's a difference between free speech and pointing cameras in peoples facing and showing them that the more hateful they are, the more media coverage theyr'e going to get. They don't deserve the time of day, nevermind TV coverage.

Incidentally, the reason they hate Sweden is because a Swedish minister was jailed for saying the kind of things that they get away with saying.

There most likely is some sort of religious factions something like them in this country (I'm resisting the urge to make derogatory remarks about Catholicism here), but I'm not sure you get away with being so public about it in Britain. If preaching racial hatred is a crime, I'd have thought preaching sexual hatred will be too.

On a different note - BOOO! at Chuck Norris, the Huckabee-sympathiser.

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Westboro Baptist Church Empty Re: Westboro Baptist Church

Post  Paulio Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:00 am

They're trying to picket it but failing. Hence the letter. They are incredibly hateable. Not since Ted Haggards face have I hated anything so much. Though there is some justice in the world.

n November 2006, prostitute and masseur Mike Jones alleged that Haggard had paid Jones to engage in sex with him for three years and had also purchased and used crystal methamphetamine.[28] Jones said he had only recently learned of Haggard's true identity, and explained his reasons for coming forward by saying, "It made me angry that here’s someone preaching about gay marriage and going behind the scenes having gay sex."

Haggard acknowledged some, but not all, of the allegations, and was removed from all of his leadership positions in religious organizations, including the church he founded. [29] At first, however, he claimed he had never met his accuser and in a television interview said "I am steady with my wife. I’m faithful to my wife."[30] But on November 5, in a statement Haggard said, "The fact is I am guilty of sexual immorality. And I take responsibility for the entire problem. I am a deceiver and a liar. There's a part of my life that is so repulsive and dark that I have been warring against it for all of my adult life."[31]

Do you hate them so much though that you wouldn't have minded if they'd died when they got bombed?

Ah I see why the whole of Sweden is to blame now.

What about Ireland and Canada?

Damn popes! I blame them.

On a similar note to the previous different note - Is it me or are the American elections overly complicated and confusing?


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Westboro Baptist Church Empty Re: Westboro Baptist Church

Post  Grainy Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:07 am

On a similar note to the previous different note - Is it me or are the American elections overly complicated and confusing?

It's not just you, I think the majority of the english population, (and probably many Americans), have no idea what's going on. Apparently now it's Primary season............? Whats that? And then they have caucuses, (which sounds eerily like the shell of a deceased animal), I don't know what they are, and they also have a load of oddly named garb.

Why can't they be more like us and have one piece of paper which you put an X in?

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Westboro Baptist Church Empty Re: Westboro Baptist Church

Post  Christophe Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:14 am

I like the whole idea of "Super Tuesday". Only the Americans could turn a presidential election into something resembling a sporting event.

But yes, it confuses me a lot too. For a start, what the hell is a caucus? And why are there only 2 parties? And the whole idea of having two seperate elections within each party I find very odd. What happens when Clinton or Obama loses; do they then just support the person they've been slagging off for months?

Despite my befuddlement, I am finding the whole thing strangely captivating. It's not just me who finds themselves taking sides in public events like this, is it? I'm going Obama, since you asked. Reminds me of that Peep Show episode with Jeremy talking to Johnson: "Who do you support? I'm Israel, but Mark likes Palestine".

Also, congratulations Steven for using the word 'garb'. It ain't used enough in my eyes.

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Westboro Baptist Church Empty Yeah

Post  Tom Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:21 am

i am going Obama as well for 2 reasons.
1) I like his speeches. He can talk the talk much like MISTER Clinton
2) He didnt cry on national television. What a disgusting why to try and get sympathy. Only in America would that work. Here due to what Bill Bailey describes as a "whistful Melencholy" she would immediately be disregarded as a serious contender.

I also dont like how Clinton seems to be using her husband's immense popularity to gain votes... Its almost feels like Bill is standing for his second term...

I also realise that my reasons for liking Obama aren't overly political but as always i dont care.
Toodle loo.
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Westboro Baptist Church Empty Re: Westboro Baptist Church

Post  Paulio Sun Feb 03, 2008 5:30 pm

"Who do you support? I'm Israel, but Mark likes Palestine".

Thank you for reminding me of that it made me titter. I think you always choose a side of debate or competition on the tv (or whatever) in your mind if you're paying attention. Or is that just me?

I haven't made a decision on who I like yet, mainly because whenever I see coverage its that horrid Huckabee person. However I'm having a look at it now since it is fairly interesting. Looking at the pictures of the Republicans though my god their slimy and untrustworthy looking. They make Cameron look positively lovely -----> http://www.theonion.com/content/whitehousewar/candidates

Going on pictures Obama does look the least likely to fuck the world up but I'm reserving my judgement till I've actually understood anything about any of them, there might be something sinister behind that smile.

I found these videos slightly amusing:


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Westboro Baptist Church Empty Re: Westboro Baptist Church

Post  Christophe Sun Feb 03, 2008 5:39 pm

Ah, I do love the Onion. I didn't know they'd branched out into TV. I've got their 'Our Dumb World' "atlas" - you've got to love any atlas that has "Now with 30% more Asia" proudly emblazoned on the front.

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Westboro Baptist Church Empty Re: Westboro Baptist Church

Post  Narry Mon Mar 17, 2008 8:34 am

i really don't think they are even worth talking about. TV programmes n news articles about them is just giving them the attention that they seem to crave so very much.


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Westboro Baptist Church Empty Re: Westboro Baptist Church

Post  Paulio Mon Mar 17, 2008 10:18 am

Yes but we're hardly mainstream media are we! They are very hateable though which is important for a forum hate and they can be seen as the more extreme end of a wider problem of hate against homosexual people based outdated texts which can be discussed.


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Westboro Baptist Church Empty Re: Westboro Baptist Church

Post  Christophe Tue Mar 18, 2008 10:35 am

LUKE!! geek

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